WhatTheFont! The Magical Font Identifier Application
I have already noted in an earlier blog that I am a self-professed font addict. And, when I see a really impressive font being used, I want to learn the name of that font, and where it can be purchased. (Not kidding.) This happened to me when I was reading the July/August 2021 issue of Wired. A sample page from Wired showing this font is in Figure 1. (The article text has been blurred to keep all the lawyers happy.)

So, what is the name of this font, and where can I get it?
I first looked at the colophon in this issue of Wired, but that didn’t help. I considered emailing the Wired staff, but I suspected this would either take too long or I would never get a reply at all.
But then I remembered the app WhatTheFont, the magical font identifier, and its associated webpage. To use this app, you need more than a single glyph from the font, so I captured several pages from the Wired article, and got the image you see in Figure 2, in which I made sure all the glyphs were on the same baseline.

Figure 3 shows the query to WhatTheFont and the result.

Five minutes later I had purchased and download the Parsek font. I am one happy font addict.
Give it a try and let us know about your experience in the Parallels Forums, on Facebook or Twitter.