How to Save a Wet Smartphone

How to Save a Wet Smartphone

If you haven’t yet experienced that BLOOP then splash noise and the sinking realization that it was your smartphone—the magic computer you keep in your pocket that has ALL of your contacts, apps, direct access to your work computer, and GAMES —that just...
How to Run Microsoft Word on Mac

How to Run Microsoft Word on Mac

When it comes to productivity applications, Microsoft Word takes the cake. In fact, I’d even go so far to say that Microsoft Word is more than a productivity app; it’s a utility. A necessity for anyone who owns a computer—and yes, even if you own a...
How to Play Fallout New Vegas on Mac

How to Play Fallout New Vegas on Mac

Are you (not so) patiently waiting for Fallout 4 to come out next week? Are you frustrated when you go to install Fallout New Vegas on your Mac—for some Fallout fun while you wait, of course—only to find it’s PC-only? Save your Darth...