How to Run Microsoft Paint on Mac

How to Run Microsoft Paint on Mac

If you asked me how I felt about Microsoft Paint back in, let’s say, 2002, I would’ve told you how awesome it was. Back then, I was just another kid with a PC who loved using Paint to manipulate pictures of boy bands, fan art and other such pre-teen...
Why Desktop Virtualization Matters Today

Why Desktop Virtualization Matters Today

This blog post has been reprinted with permission from Jeff Steiner, Parallels Sr. Director of Product Marketing, from his LinkedIn blog. The original piece can be found here. I have a pretty strange background. I was a developer for over a...
Is the Laptop Dead for Businesses?

Is the Laptop Dead for Businesses?

“As workers enter the workforce, they demand the ability to run business applications via smartphones. There is simply no point in fighting the mobile wave—resistance is futile.” ~ Drew Robb, Small Business Computing.   Consumerization of IT...
Customer Story: Dynamic Microtel on Mac

Customer Story: Dynamic Microtel on Mac

The following post is a customer interview from our Advocacy program with Parallels Desktop user Vincent Ferrari. We are incredibly thankful to Vincent for sharing his experience with us and allowing us to share it with you. Read on for...
13 Tricks to Save Data and Optimize iOS 9

13 Tricks to Save Data and Optimize iOS 9

Have you found yourself on a mobile data plan where you’re down to the wire, straining to connect to the next door Starbucks Wi-Fi the last few days of each month? Buckle up—there’s one addition to iOS 9 that might suck up even more of...