Keeping Up With the Mobile BYOD Environment

Following the recent bring your own device (BYOD) trend, market researcher Gartner famously predicted that over “30% of companies expect to stop providing devices to workers by 2016” and 70% of roving professionals will conduct work on personal mobile devices by 2018. Does this mean that the...

Parallels RAS Upgrade Procedure

When you upgrade your Parallels RAS installation to the next version, please follow the below procedure, based on best practices: Stage 1:  Parallels RAS Upgrade Preparation 1. Read the documentation below to review all changes and added features for the latest versions of...

Device Management Healthcare – Mobile Devices Save Lives

As mobile devices continue to transform different industries, recent developments suggest that the healthcare industry is next in line. A report by Sky News describes how the use of mobile devices in two hospitals saved the lives of more than 750 patients. Nurses sensibly swapped paper charts for...

Mobile Device Tracking

Locate employees, track their routes, send locations on a map and monitor the status of each mobile device with 2X MDM. Find and Track Lost or Stolen Mobile Devices As many as 10,000 phones are reported stolen each month in the UK alone. When a device is lost or stolen, the cost of replacing the...

Efficient Mobility Management with 2X MDM

Significant advancements in mobile technology have instigated a new generation of uses for devices ranging from mobile phones to tablets and now tablet PC’s. Users now have access to fully fledged workstations at their thumb taps. Market researcher Canalys predicts mobile device shipments of 2.6...
Mobile Printing

Mobile Printing

Parallels Remote Application Server offers a complete solution to access virtual applications and desktops from a wide range of devices with different operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows phone, Linux, Windows and Mac. The Parallels RDP Client for iOS, Android and Windows...