BYOD Security Concerns

BYOD Security Concerns

BYOD Security (Bring Your Own Device), often referred to as BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology), is a security policy that permits workers to use their own equipment, like computers, tablet devices, or smartphones, while at work to access proprietary data and...

BYOD Intro

BYOD Intro — Brought to you by the 2X Cloud Computing Team — How can businesses benefit from a BYOD environment? After Cloud Computing and Virtualization, BYOD is the next buzz term in the IT segment. Be it with large enterprises or SMBs, the concept of BYOD environment is gaining...

What is Server Virtualization?

Multiple virtual instances are created and abstracted on a single server through the technique of server virtualization. Server resources, such as the quantity and identities of specific physical servers, CPUs, and operating systems, are likewise hidden via server virtualization. Everything...