
The latest in virtual application and desktop delivery news

VDS 8.1 Beta is Out

We have just released a new beta version of VirtualDesktopServer version 8.1 build 855. The primary changes we’ve made in this minor version upgrade are listed below. Server – Listing Policies With this new feature administrators can control which version of 2X Client they want their users...

Sales and Technical Training Webinars

Sales and technical training webinars are conducted multiple times every month. Our upcoming US training sessions will be held on the dates listed below; March’s technical webinar will cover the 2X ThinClientServer, while April’s webinar will cover the 2X LoadBalancer, 2X...

2X AS/VDS Version 8 Demonstration

At 2X, we strive to continuously offer training opportunities to partners and users alike, to allow them to be fully aware of the numerous benefits offered by our products. Our most recent training webinar covering new features in our 2X ApplicationServer and 2X VirtualDesktopServer Version 8...