We’re pleased to announce that Parallels® Remote Application Server (RAS) won the Remote Work and Collaborative Workspaces Wunderkind award and was recognized at the 2022 Channel Innovation...
Executives and employees alike anticipate a future that includes increased remote work. The combination of the pandemic and advances in technology provide more than two years of widespread proof that most tasks can be completed remotely,...
A hypervisor enables a single computer to create and host multiple virtual machines (VMs) on demand. The hardware powers up the hypervisor, which in turn allocates the resources, such as processing, memory, and storage, needed for VMs to...
Every C-suite executive oversees critical aspects of the business. The people-focused role of the chief human resources officer (CHRO) has an enormous impact. At a high level, CHROs are focused on providing support for your current employees while...
Data center migration involves moving your data center to a new location. It becomes an option when your needs have clearly outgrown your current data center. Regulatory requirements or a shift to a cloud-based IT environment can also bring a...
Once you decide to migrate some of your workloads to the cloud, one of your options is to adopt a public cloud deployment, which entails entrusting your workloads to a cloud service provider. While each organization understandably has its...
Mobility is exploding. Employees expect to work from any location, at any time, from any device. The distribution of businesses across different geographies and the involvement of teams from diverse locations have resulted in dispersed IT...
With traditional IT infrastructures becoming increasingly unsuitable for a growing number of business needs, more organizations are turning to the cloud for answers. But while cloud environments certainly offer capable solutions,...