Automatic Terminal Server Load Balancing
Windows Remote Desktop Services (RDS) enables businesses to publish resources to remote users so that Windows applications can be accessed from a range of devices and from any location. With...
What is citrix server: Citrix Server is a virtualization tool that enables businesses to centrally host applications and resources and deliver them to Windows clients, as well as non-Windows clients using Microsoft Terminal Services or RDSH...
XenApp Windows Server 2008: Citrix is a provider of virtualization solutions that has consolidated its market position over its 25 years of operation. Along with its brand reputation...
Citrix is one of a few companies that offer comprehensive virtualization solutions to companies. Citrix products are built around virtualization technologies. Citrix software basically deploys applications and resources on a...
One of the main challenges in a virtualization environment is the management of the infrastructure. With thousands of virtual machines (VMs) and users constantly being dynamically created and terminated, IT administrators can have a tough time managing the...
Citrix Web Interface: Of the hundreds of virtualization products that Citrix put forward over the past 25 years, Citrix Virtual Apps (formerly Citrix XenApp) was certainly the most popular one. Where Citrix Virtual Apps...
Citrix Software enables businesses to centrally host applications and publish them to remote devices. Citrix Virtual Apps (formerly Citrix XenApp) is the flagship product of the company and is used to provide...
RemoteFX is a set of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) technologies. It allows users to connect to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) workspaces and enjoy graphical experience such as 3D applications—all with the fidelity of a...