Server and Cloud Blog

Server and Cloud Blog — Secure access to apps, desktops and data.

System Upgrade for 2X MDM

We are proud to announce that 2X MDM has received a scalability upgrade which enables us to deliver new functionality to better manage your mobile devices. More information on the new features will be published on our blog over the next few days. New Admin Console URL We have changed the URL to...

Android Management in Business

As the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona kicked off this week, a lot of people are looking at bettering their Android management in business and reducing the security risks, especially as more employees prefer using their own devices within the work environment. (more…)

Are Smartphones in Business Indispensable?

Smartphones in business are on the rise with more and more companies preferring to give out smartphones rather than laptops. I think it’s fair to say that most people cannot imagine going back to the day when they didn’t have a smartphone or other mobile device. Ask yourself how...