Server and Cloud Blog

Server and Cloud Blog — Secure access to apps, desktops and data.

New 2X MDM Server and Client Release

We are proud to announce new features and fixes for 2X MDM, which includes the ability to remotely trigger wipe data and lock mobile devices by sending an SMS to the device, the ability to enforce a Password Policy on the device, and Street Address Resolution for the location tracking feature. A...

250 Million Android Devices in Use

Recently Google CEO Larry Page revealed that 250 million Android devices are currently in use worldwide. This is 50 million more than the number that was reported just over two months ago. 3.7 Million of those Android devices were activated over 2011’s Christmas weekend. Now, on average,...

Find My Android

I’ve gone and done it again, I’ve lost my Android phone! Stop what you’re doing and help me find my Android! Have you ever felt like that? I know Manish from the BBC has. He tweeted this yesterday “Everybody shut up and help me find my phone.” I know exactly how he...

Deploy Android Apps

Let’s say your company has created a custom build Android app and you need to deploy it to all your sales guys. What are your options? Well, you can upload it to the Android Market but if you are going to do that, it means that everyone can download your private custom app. You...

Mobile Device Management in the Home

Mobile device management (or 2X MDM for short) allows you to look after one or more of your smartphones and tablets. You can find and track mobile devices, remotely manage apps and make sure all your mobile devices remain secure. It’s the find and track feature that got me interested in...