Server and Cloud Blog

Server and Cloud Blog — Secure access to apps, desktops and data.

Android Tracking To Improve Response Time

There’s an old saying, “a good customer will tell one friend, while a customer with a bad experience will tell ten.” When you have a mobile workforce, one of the challenges is letting a customer know when your employee will arrive at their location without giving vague answers. Customers...

Find a Lost Mobile Device

More and more businesses are deploying mobile devices to their employees. It makes perfect sense – keeping in contact with employees while they move about, mobile tracking, being able to access work emails when out in the field, checking for directions and being readily available when a...

Android Management

As Android devices have become prominent in business, communicating and managing your employees via these devices has gotten easier. Did you know that Android Management can assist your business? Would you want to know where one of your employees is? No problem. Google Maps can find your employee...

Manage Mobile Devices with 2X MDM

Mobile Device Management gives you the ability to manage all of your smartphones, tablets and notebook computers easily via the online user-friendly dashboard. Find and track all your connected mobile devices in real time, viewing the routes your employees take via Google Maps. Communications...

What Devices does Mobile Device Manager Support?

At this time, 2X MDM works with any Android device running Android  2.2 and later and any Apple device running iOS 5.0 or later. Windows Phone support will come later. Note that the 2X MDM client is only supported on iOS 7 and above devices. iOS 6 and below iPhones or iPads shall be managed...