Server and Cloud Blog

Server and Cloud Blog — Secure access to apps, desktops and data.

2X Web Access Portal Booster

Have you ever tried to access the Web Access Portal and had to wait for a few seconds until the first page loaded? Did you notice that this happens the first time you access the portal or after no one had accessed the portal for some time? Why does this happen and how can this delay be...

Custom Tweaks for Windows Terminal Server 2003

NOTE: Registry changes mentioned below are suggested changes only; 2X is not responsible for the consequences of any implemented Registry changes. For custom tweaks to Windows 2003 Terminal Server, to improve the overall end-user experience, please do the following: First,...

Virtualization and the Private Cloud

Cloud computing may be the Next Big Thing, but many companies are not yet ready to fully embrace the notion of putting all of their data and applications in the public cloud and the loss of control that goes along with it. One might say the idea of a “private cloud” has been around at least...