1,046 posts found for "security"

Android Management in Business

As the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona kicked off this week, a lot of people are looking at bettering their Android management in business and reducing the security risks, especially as more employees prefer using their own devices within the work environment. (more…)

Are Smartphones in Business Indispensable?

Smartphones in business are on the rise with more and more companies preferring to give out smartphones rather than laptops. I think it’s fair to say that most people cannot imagine going back to the day when they didn’t have a smartphone or other mobile device. Ask yourself how...

Trace a Mobile Phone

Most of us have seen it in the movies. Somebody is on the run from the authorities and makes a phone call. The police force quickly jump to action, triangulating signals and whatnot in order to trace the mobile phone but the caller is too clever for that – he hangs up just a few seconds too...

The Need for Mobile Device Management is on the Rise

Last month, results were released of a Redshift Research survey taken by 1,500 IT managers and executives in the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany and Spain which was created to assess attitudes, fears and hopes towards using mobile tablets in the workplace. The results show pretty much what...

Remote Wipe Mobile Devices via SMS

Whether you are using Mobile Device Management in the home or at the office, it’s more than likely that your Android device has passwords, photos or other personal and corporate data stored on it. At the very least, if you have a data plan or use WiFi, your email account is probably always...

Remote Lock Android with an SMS

We’ve often discussed the reasons why mobile phone security is important. With most of us keeping important personal or company information on our phones, we can’t afford to lose them. The confidential contact information of clients, our credit card details and our passwords are all at...