What is a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?
A virtual private cloud (VPC) is a computing environment that exists within a public cloud. In other words, a virtual private cloud comprises logically isolated sections of the public cloud and, like other cloud environments, is available on-demand and scalable. Users can access their private, isolated sections via an encrypted VPN channel.
Differences between Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Virtual Private Cloud
Public Cloud
A public cloud is a cloud environment that is public, multi-tenant, and hyper scalable. It allows computing services to be rented or reserved on-demand and its global resources can be scaled instantly. Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services are examples.
Private Cloud
On the other hand, a private cloud environment is private, single-tenant, and runs on a dedicated infrastructure. Private cloud infrastructure may be installed on-premises, on servers of managed private cloud providers, or over an off-site data center. Private cloud infrastructure is not shared with other users.
Virtual Private Cloud
A virtual private cloud has the “best of both worlds” approach, thus acting as a bridge between private and public clouds and offering both benefits. It works like a private cloud over a public cloud infrastructure. A VPC isolates and separates one user’s resources from the other by allocating each user with a private IP subnet. This ensures that customers can access their environment through encrypted virtual private network (VPN) solutions. VPCs are more secure than full public solutions but more affordable than private clouds.
Virtual private cloud solutions differ from private cloud since they are hosted on public infrastructure and are different from public cloud solutions since they offer virtualized private networks.
The Key Features of a Virtual Private Cloud
Virtual Private Cloud Network
VPC may automatically establish your virtual topology for you, defining prefixed ranges for the subnetworks and network configuration, or you can do it yourself. CIDR ranges can also be expanded without causing any downtime.
Virtual Private Cloud Flow Logs
Flow logs on Compute Engine collect information about IP traffic traveling to/from network interfaces. Network monitoring, analytics, cybersecurity analysis, and expenditure management are all aided by VPC flow logs.
Benefits of Virtual Private Clouds
VPC’s “best of both worlds” approach offers the following benefits and features:
Increased Agility
Compared to a private cloud, VPCs have better agility and the ability to deploy cloud resources per your business need.
Better Scalability
Since VPCs are hosted in the public cloud, adding computing resources on demand is easier, making them more scalable than a private cloud.
Improved Security
Public clouds suffer from security issues, but the case is not the same with VPCs. Since VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) and encryption procedures are used for cloud access, VPCs are more secure than public cloud solutions.
VPC clouds take up advantage of the cost-effectiveness of public clouds by saving resources and labor time. Hence, VPCs are more affordable than private cloud solutions, even if they offer more security than public clouds.
VPCs allow dynamic allocation of cloud infrastructure resources like virtual servers, networking, and storage, making them more flexible than private cloud solutions.
User Satisfaction
VPCs offer better uptime ratios compared to private clouds, thus acting as a source of user satisfaction in the “always-on” trend of this era.
Easier Deployment
Connecting VPC to an on-premises infrastructure or a public cloud is straightforward by using a VPN. VPC also offers faster and easier deployment in comparison to the private cloud.
Improved Performance
Private clouds require dedicated IT resources to deal with minor to major issues, leaving them less time to dedicate to other productive tasks. With VPC, you get reduced costs and fewer demands from your IT team, improving performance and productivity.
Virtual Private Cloud Architecture
You may install cloud resources inside a VPC to create your private, isolated virtual network. There are three types of cloud resources, often known as logical instances:
Customers with VPC accounts are often given a specific amount of block storage quota per account and options to purchase more. It’s the same as buying more hard disk space. Storage suggestions are dependent on the type of your workload.
Virtual server instances (VSIs, sometimes known as virtual servers) are virtual CPUs (vCPUs) with a set amount of computational power, memory, and other resources.
You can establish virtual versions of some networking services to allow or restrict access to the resources of a virtual private cloud account. Public gateways make all or parts of your VPC environment accessible to the internet; load balancers, which distribute traffic between different VSIs to improve availability and performance; and routers, which direct traffic and allow communication between network segments, are examples of these. You may interact swiftly and securely between your on-premises company IT environment or private cloud and your public cloud VPC resources via direct/dedicated links.
How Is Isolation Achieved in Virtual Private Clouds?
As mentioned before, a VPC isolates its infrastructure and computing resources from other computing resources. It uses the following technologies to do so:
Subnets are the range of special IP addresses reserved within a network. In other words, subnet IP addresses are private and are not accessible via the public internet like other typical IP addresses.
VLAN or virtual local area network is a group of computing devices that are connected but without the use of the internet. In other words, VLAN allows these devices to connect and communicate with each other as if they are made up of a single LAN, but they exist in one or several LAN segments. This is also another form of segmentation or partitioning whereby each segment is separated from the rest by a switch, bridge, or router.
A virtual private network (VPN) creates a private network over a public network using encryption mechanisms. Though the VPN traffic passes through a public network, the traffic is scrambled and encrypted.
A VPC consists of a dedicated subnet and VLAN that is accessible only by the VPC customer via a VPN connection. Hence, anyone else within the public cloud will not be able to access the VPC’s computing resources. Additionally, data passing in and out of the VPC is not visible to other users of the cloud environment, making it isolated from other cloud users. Hence, combining a subnet, VLAN, and VPN helps VPCs achieve isolation.
Parallels RAS Distributes Applications from Private Clouds Securely
Parallels® Remote Application Server (RAS) is an easy-to-use virtualization solution that delivers applications and desktops to any device anytime. It offers flexible cloud deployment options to help meet business requirements, including on-premises, public, or a hybrid of both.
Moreover, Parallels RAS enables IT teams to effectively deliver available applications and deploy components on virtual private clouds. With Parallels RAS, you can securely deliver virtual desktops and applications to any operating system. Its seamless integration with the virtual private cloud reduces complex setup and management and reduces latency issues.
Download the 30-day trial of Parallels RAS to create your secure virtual private cloud and deliver applications with ease today!