Always Keep Window on Top:
The Ultimate Guide

Picture this; you are watching Squid Games in VLC on your Windows PC and simultaneously checking your emails on Google Chrome. But, every time you switch to Google Chrome, the VLC player moves to the background and vice versa.

While Windows offers many great features, it lacks the essential feature of locking a window on the top of the desktop screen above everything else displayed. In some instances, you may work on tasks that require you to copy and paste something manually, or maybe you want a reminder on top of everything else. Keeping a window on top is crucial in increasing productivity.

But, with Windows ruling out the feature, how can you keep a window always on top? Is it even possible? Read on to learn more.

How to keep a window on top

There are several ways you can use to keep window on top of your desktop. They include:

Using AutoHotKey with custom scripts

AutoHotKey is a free, open-source scripting language program that allows you to write custom scripts to help you create macros on your PC. If you want to pin a window on top using AutoHotKey, you must manually write the code to create the script. Follow these steps to pin a window on top using AutoHotKey:

  1. Download and install AutoHotKey from their official website
  2. On your desktop, create a folder to hold your hotkey script
  3. In the folder, right-click and choose new and then select AutoHotKey script
  4. Right-click on the file and select edit script
  5. Type ^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A onto the bottom of the file
  6. Save the file by clicking on File> Save at the top of the window. Alternatively, you can press CTRL + s
  7. Right-click on the file and select Run Script

That's it. You're all finished.

Using DeskPins

DeskPins is a Free or Open Source Software (FOSS) program you can easily use on any computer. It has been around since the days of Windows XP and is common even today. Here is how to use DeskPins:

  1. Download and install DeskPins from the official website
  2. Right-click and select Open on deskpins.exe to run the extension on your PC
  3. After running the program, you will notice your mouse icon turns into a small, red pin
  4. Pin your program by clicking the top part of a desktop window
  5. A small red pin icon appears in the title bar of the pinned window, indicating its status
  6. To unpin the window, hover your mouse over the pin and click on the small 'X.' If you wish to remove all pinned windows, right-click on the system tray icon and select "Remove All Pins."


  • If your computer is under administrative control, DeskPins might not work, and you may require assistance from the IT department.
  • You can still maximize and minimize the window without losing the 'always on top' status

How to keep a window on top using Parallels Toolbox

Another excellent and straightforward method to help you keep a window on the top layer of your desktop is by using Parallels Toolbox. It allows you to select a window from any app and have it float, so you can simultaneously interact with it and other apps. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Download and install Parallels Toolbox
  2. Launch Parallels Toolbox and from the dashboard select 'Productivity.'
  3. From the drop-down menu, select 'Window on Top'
  4. On the various windows on your desktop, click the one you want to keep on it

There you have it. You can interact with all the other windows while the selected one stays on top.


Keeping a window on top is a great way to improve productivity when working in Windows from a PC with limited screen space. And while Windows lacks the "always on top" feature, Parallels Toolbox is a great way to add this feature to your PC. Download Parallels Toolbox today to help you pin a window on top of your desktop screen.